Services Provided

Individual Herbal Therapy

Prescriptions and herbal formulas for each individual patient after careful diagnosis and analysis of the root causes of the diseases.

Acupuncture & Moxibustion

In cooperation with Dr. Dar Gadol, 30 years Acupuncture license holder as alternative measures to help patients to reduce pain and mental stress.

Facial & Foot Massage

Standardized cosmetic and facial massage therapist rubs and kneads the soft tissues of your face or accupoints of your foot. 

How Do I Know if TCM Therapy is Right for Me?

TCM not only targets specific ailments but also involves improving the overall health of the patient, including psychological well-being and quality of life.

It has been proven that TCM’s preventive methods can enhance personal immunity and resistance, reducing the occurrence of diseases.

TCM aims to find and address the root causes of health problems, not just alleviate symptoms.

A Global Heritage of Healing

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), with its roots entwined deeply in ancient Chinese culture, has stood the test of time, spanning thousands of years. It is not merely a medical practice; it is a symbol of a harmonious balance between humans and nature, a philosophy that transcends geographical boundaries. The essence of TCM – its holistic approach, its intricate diagnostic methods, and its natural remedies – is not exclusive to the Chinese but is a gift to the entire world.

It's unique in caring

The diagnostic methods of TCM, such as pulse reading and tongue diagnosis, offer unique insights into the body’s state, complementing Western diagnostic tools. This integration provides a more comprehensive approach to healthcare, which is increasingly appreciated in medical practices around the world.

Get In Touch

Call or Send Message for Appointment




Chelsea Healing   汉方中医

Room 102, First Floor, 153 Center Street, Chinatown, New York, NY 10013


Mon – Fri:  10 am – 6 pm
Weekends: 1 pm – 6 pm