







目 录



序     言  生老病死 ………………………………………………………………………..003

  • 我与中医结缘…………………………………………………………………………008
                    第一节 我如何治愈自己的痔疮
                    第二节 我如何治愈自己的过敏性鼻炎
                    第三节 我与新冠肺炎擦肩而过
                    第四节 我是如何学习中医药的
                    第五节 了解中医药发展历史                
  • 认识西医和现代医学…………………………………………………………040
                    第一节 西医的理论基础和医疗实践
                    第二节 西医的诊断治疗
                    第三节 西药的副作用
                    第四节 一位北京居民的住院经历
                    第五节 我在澳大利亚看病的经历
  • 选择西医还是中医:究竟谁优谁劣?……………………………….057
                   第一节 中西医是否科学之辩
                   第二节 台湾中医师彭奕竣谈西医之弊
                   第三节  中医和西医各自之长处和短处
                   第四节  从新冠肺炎疫情看中西医的优劣               
  • 中医古今面面观………………………………………………………………..076
    第一节 中医生死存亡之争
                   第二节 医家自古相轻
                   第三节  中共建政后中医药事业遭受重大挫折
  • 中医之根本经典《黄帝内经》…………………………………………..100
    第一节  漫谈《黄帝内经》
                   第二节   《黄帝内经》荟要
  • 浅谈伤寒论…………………………………………,…………………………..115
    第一节 关于脉诊
                   第二节 关于《伤寒论》和六经辨证
                   第三节  关于《金匮要略》和临证解要
  • 中医辨证论治…………………………………………………………………..141
    第一节 关于舌诊
                   第二节 八纲辨证
                   第三节  脏腑辩证
                   第四节 气血津液辩证
                   第五节 疾病的成因和性质
                   第六节 中医诊断的思路和方法
  • 中医内科证治…………………………………………………………………..166
    第一节 肺系病证
                   第二节 心系病证
                   第三节 脾胃系病证
                   第四节 肝胆系病证
                   第五节 肾系病证
                   第六节 痹症
  • 历代医家临证经验……………………………………………………………189
    第一节 古中医代表医家和学派
                  第二节 历代医家经典荟要
                  第三节 古代名医临证经验举要
  • 临证常用中药………………………………………………………………….236
    第一节 三百味常用中药
                       第二节 历代医家谈中药药性
                       第三节 有关中药应用的若干问题
  • 常用中药方剂………………………………………………………………302
    第一节 常用方剂分类
                       第二节 张景岳八阵组方医法
                       第三节 国医名师处方用药举例
  • 中医妇科疾病临证解要………………………………………………..361
    第一节 妇科保育要旨
                       第二节 月经病临证解要
                       第三节 带下病
                       第四节 妇科经典荟要
  • 癌症的治疗…………………………………………………………………416
    第一节 肺癌
                       第二节 肝癌
                       第六节 脑瘤
                       第七节 乳腺癌
  • 民间经验方和正骨心法………………………………………………447
    第一节 民间杂病方
                       第二节 中医正骨心法                   
  • 针灸经典荟要……………………………………………………………504                   
  • 谈谈中医养生…………………………………………………………….538                   

后        记  ………………………………………… ………………………………………548

Traditional Chinese Medicine In Practice

Chinese Version

About the Chinese Version

Readers or physicians are welcome to read  my Chinese version of TCM In Practice for in-depth research into TCM theory and its clinical practice.

Table of Contents Translation

Table of Contents

Birth, Aging, Illness, and Death ………………………………………………………………………..003

Chapter 1: My Personal Experience and Connection with Traditional Chinese Medicine …………………………………………………………………008
Section 1: How I Cured My Hemorrhoids
Section 2: How I Cured My Allergic Rhinitis
Section 3: My Close Encounter with COVID-19
Section 4: How I Learned about Traditional Chinese Medicine
Section 5: Understanding the History of Traditional Chinese Medicine Development

Chapter 2: Understanding Western Medicine and Modern Medicine ……………………………………………………040
Section 1: The Theoretical Basis and Medical Practice of Western Medicine
Section 2: Diagnostics and Treatment in Western Medicine
Section 3: Side Effects of Western Medications
Section 4: A Beijing Resident’s Hospitalization Experience
Section 5: My Experience of Seeking Medical Care in Australia

Chapter 3: Choosing Between Western and Chinese Medicine: Who is Superior? ……………………………………057
Section 1: The Debate on Whether Chinese and Western Medicine Are Scientific
Section 2: The View of A Taiwanese TCM Doctor on the Shortcomings of Western Medicine
Section 3: Strengths and Weaknesses of Both Chinese and Western Medicine
Section 4: Comparing Chinese and Western Medicine During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Chapter 4: A Comprehensive View of Traditional Chinese Medicine Through the Ages ……………………………………076
Section 1: The Existential Struggle of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Section 2: Historical Rivalries Among Medical Practitioners
Section 3: Major Setbacks in the Field of Traditional Chinese Medicine after the Founding of the People’s Republic of China

Chapter 5: The Fundamental Classics of Traditional Chinese Medicine – “Huangdi Neijing” ……………………….100
Section 1: A Discussion on “Huangdi Neijing”-Canon Of The Yellow Emperor
Section 2: Key Elements of “Huangdi Neijing”

Chapter 6: A Brief Discussion on the Treatise on Cold Damage Disorders ……………………………………….115
Section 1: About Pulse Diagnosis
Section 2: “Treatise on Cold Damage Disorders” and Six-Channel Differentiation
Section 3: “Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Casket” and Key Clinical Solutions

Chapter 7: Traditional Chinese Medicine Differential Diagnosis and Treatment ……………………………………….141
Section 1: About Tongue Diagnosis
Section 2: The Eight Principles of Diagnosis
Section 3: Zang-Fu (Organ-System) Differentiation
Section 4: Qi, Blood, Fluids, and Humor Differentiation
Section 5: Causes and Nature of Diseases
Section 6: Diagnostic Thinking and Methods in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chapter 8: Internal Medicine in Traditional Chinese Medicine ……………………………………………………..166
Section 1: Lung System Disorders
Section 2: Heart System Disorders
Section 3: Spleen and Stomach System Disorders
Section 4: Liver and Gallbladder System Disorders
Section 5: Kidney System Disorders
Section 6: Disorders of Bi Syndrome

Chapter 9: Clinical Experiences of Medical Practitioners Through the Ages ……………………………………189
Section 1: Representative Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Schools of Thought
Section 2: Classical Essentials of Medical Practitioners Through the Ages
Section 3: Case Studies from Famous Ancient Physicians

Chapter 10: Commonly Used Traditional Chinese Medicines in Clinical Practice ……………………………………236
Section 1: Three Hundred Herbs Commonly Used Traditional Chinese Medicines
Section 2: Discussions on the Properties of Traditional Chinese Medicines by Medical Practitioners Through the Ages
Section 3: Several Issues Regarding the Application of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Chapter 11: Commonly Used Traditional Chinese Medicine Formulas …………………………………………….302
Section 1: Classification of Common Formulas
Section 2: Dr. Zhang Jingyue’s Eight Array Formulation Methods (Song Dynasty)
Section 3: Prescription and Medication Examples from Renowned National Doctors

Chapter 12: Key Clinical Solutions for Gynecological Diseases in Traditional Chinese Medicine ……………..361
Section 1: Essentials of Gynecological Healthcare
Section 2: Key Clinical Solutions for Menstrual Disorders
Section 3: Leukorrhea Diseases
Section 4: Gynecological Classical Essentials

Chapter 13: Treatment of Cancers ………………………………………………………………..415
Section 1: Lung Cancer
Section 2: Liver Cancer
Section 3: Stomach Cancer
Section 4: Colorectal Cancer
Section 5: Kidney and Bladder Cancer
Section 6: Brain Tumors
Section 7: Breast Cancer

Chapter 14: Miscellaneous Formulas and Folk Remedies ………………………………………………………..445
Section 1: Common Formulas for Children
Section 2: Common Formulas for Toothache
Section 3: Formulas for Rhinitis
Section 4: Formulas for Traumatic Injuries
Section 5: Formulas for Hemorrhoids
Section 6: Common Formulas for Stroke
Section 7: Formulas for Infertility
Section 8: Formulas for Beauty and Skincare
Section 9: Folk Remedies

Chapter 15: Classics of Acupuncture and Moxibustion …………………………………………………………478

Chapter 16: General Discussion on Keeping A Healthy Lifestyle ……………………………………512

Epilogue …………………………………………………………………………………………….512